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2006 XYZZY Awards Ceremony Transcript

On March 4th, 2006, at 5:00 P.M. EST (11:00 P.M. GMT), the XYZZY Awards Ceremony was held at ifMUD. Below is the transcript of the event, not including side-comments that those in attendance made on the #peanut-gallery channel. Should you wish to see those comments, a version with those comments is also available.


lpsmith exclaims, "Welcome, everyone, to the annual XYZZY Awards for the Best Games of 2006!"
DavidW claps
inky says, "woo!"
Celestianpower applauds
Rob claps
Newington claps
Kelby applauds wildly, almost falling out of his chair.
olethros walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
lambda applauds
Ben claps.
Guest2 says, "@join #peanut gallery"
JDC claps too, to look cool.
a_magical_me hastily sits down on the floor
Guest2 claps
Emerald claps too, to look part of the crowd
olethros whistles.
lpsmith asks, "Thank you all for coming! Eileen, how many years does this one make?"
VictorGijsbers says, "Guest2, you can't join channels with a guest account."
Rob honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk
eileen asks, "I think... 11?"
Eluchil exclaims, "Yay!"
DavidW says, "yes, it's 11."
lpsmith says, "Wow, excellent."
Kelby exclaims, "Eleven! Woot!"
Guest2 hopes there will be giftbags, or this has just been a waste of time
Rob +3 more honks
jermer goes home.
djfletch exclaims, "It goes up to eleven!"
Rob (and two hard boiled eggs)
inky says, "that's ridiculous, it's not even funny"
DavidW says, "hee"
jermer arrives from the west.
Eluchil jumps on the spot
lpsmith says, "We generally try to have the winners from previous years read the nominees for the current year, but for various reasons, it'll be mostly inky and I this year."
lpsmith says, "But we do have Aaron Reed! Let's all give him a round of applause."
GregB arrives from the west.
eileen applauds loudly
jermer goes home.
djfletch claps
McMartin applauds
Eluchil claps wildly!
aaronius stands up from a seat near the back and bows.
Newington applauds
Guest2 asks, "whsper Roger=so, youve seen a night at the opera?"
VictorGijsbers applaud Aaron.
Celestianpower gives him a round of applaus
lambda claps with vigour.
Emerald give Aaron Reed a round of applause
Kelby claps loudly. "Gourmet! Gourmet!"
Baryon applauds roundly
Guest2 claps
Eluchil says, "I like lobster"
DavidW claps
Rob claps for Aaron Reed
lpsmith exclaims, "So! Without further ado: The nominees for the Best Use of Medium!"
nm claps
Ben claps
olethros claps
lpsmith says, "As one nominee once put it, "the award that nobody knows what it's for""
DavidW says, "ha ha"
Eluchil smiles.
jermer arrives from the west.
Rob says, "instead of a teleprompter he receives his script via pneumatic tube"
lpsmith says, "Nominee #1: "Another Goddamn Escape the Locked Room Game", by Riff Conner"
olethros says (to Rob), "yay"
DavidW says, "yay KoLer Riff."
Rob claps
Eluchil claps
VictorGijsbers says, "claps."
lambda claps
Ben applauds
Celestianpower claps
DarkStar claps
Kelby exclaims, "Escape! Escape! Aaargh! I mean, yay!"
Roger clasps.
Emerald claps
Gunther says, "the clap"
inky pushes the 'clap' button on his pod-seat.
Kelby claps.
lpsmith says, "Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies, by ?yvind Thorsby"
olethros says, "hooray"
Eluchil claps
DavidW says (to inky), "I want one of those buttons"
Roger brains. He means, claps.
lambda says, "Hooray""
inky says, "he has to win the award the first time"
McMartin claps
Guest1 exclaims, "Go Sweden!"
Newington claps everything
DavidW says, "woo Yeti Robot Zombies"
VictorGijsbers claps loudly.
lpsmith says, "Bronze, by Emily Short"
Rob claps
Kelby claps, claps, and claps. Oops, his hands fell off.
Roger asks, "who?"
inky applauds
Eluchil claps heartily!
Emerald claps
DarkStar claps
DavidW applauds
Ben claps
McMartin rings the bell for a ghostly round of applause
a_magical_me claps
Emerald claps for Yeti Robot Zombies, which she missed
lambda applauds wildly
Guest2 claps, not because he knows the game, but because he liked Galatea
Rob clanks
lpsmith says, "Legion, by Jason Devlin as "Ian Anderson""
Celestianpower claps
Eluchil claps
Emerald claps
inky says, "we all are clapping"
Kelby Claps! "legion! Legion! Leeeeeegioooon!"
lambda applauds
Guest2 claps
McMartin cheers
olethros clappity clappity clap
Rob s clap
Ben applauds
Guest1 exclaims, "Go Sweden!"
Eluchil says, "It's important to support the authors"
Grocible applauds
Kelby shakes a fist in the air.
djfletch slides into a seat
lpsmith says, "And finally: The Baron (a.k.a. De Baron), by Victor Gijsbers"
Emily says, "woo"
Rob claps.
DavidW says, "yay!"
Ben claps
Eluchil asks, "Should we cheer instead?"
Emerald claps
Guest1 exclaims, "Ye blondes!"
McMartin applauds
JDC claps one hand, but it doesn't make a sound
inky says, "go Victor"
Eluchil claps
lambda exclaims, "Hooray!"
DarkStar claps
Kelby cheers.
Guest2 realizes he's been standing the entire time and takes a seat
GregB says, "go Spring Thing contender"
nm claps for the medium nominees
olethros says, "Wictory"
Rob says, "well done, medium nominees"
lpsmith draws an envelope from his jacket pocket, and opens it.
lpsmith says, "And the winner is..."
Rob says, "ym 'and the xyzzy goes to'"
Allen says, "next up, large, XXL nominees"
lpsmith exclaims, "The Baron, by Victor Gijsbers!"
Rob applauds!
Emily says, "yay!"
DavidW says, "woohoo!"
Newington cheers
Roger says, "Woohoo."
olethros says, "hooray"
Celestianpower cheers
Kelby exclaims, "Yayayaya!!!"
aaronius applaud
Ben applauds
VictorGijsbers exclaims, "Wow!"
Eluchil appluads
Guest2 applauds!
Emerald says, "go Baron!"
lambda cheers
Baryon cheers
Allen says, "woo, it's that new guy with the funny name!"
DarkStar exclaims, "woot!"
GregB cheers
eileen applauds heartily
inky says, "awright"
Kelby exclaims, "COngrats!"
inky says, "speech!"
JDC says, "Congrats."
Roger says, "Go receive de award."
lpsmith says, "Victor! Come on up here and say something."
djfletch applauds the aristocracy
Flit is excited!
Eluchil appluags [D,rather
Celestianpower Give us a B
Kelby applauds loudly.
nm clap claps
VictorGijsbers walks up to the podium.
Emerald applauds hard
lpsmith hands the award to Victor, and shakes his hand.
Guest2 goes home.
Rob whistles
nm is applauding as hard as he can
Recchi exclaims, "Congrats, Victor!"
Rob says, "speech"
McMartin belatedly cheers and claps
VictorGijsbers says, "Well, thanks! I'm really glad people enjoyed... or shall we say.. appreciated my piece."
DavidW says, "well done"
Eluchil applauds
VictorGijsbers says, "I hope it has been a small step towards further exploration of the medium."
Celestianpower pats Victor's back masculinely
VictorGijsbers says, "Thank you all."
Rob claps.
Emerald says, "yay"
Guest2 walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice it approaching it from the other side.
eileen applauds again
DarkStar applauds
aaronius cheers
lpsmith cheers.
lambda exclaims, "Hooray!"
DavidW claps.
Ben applauds
olethros says, "excellent"
VictorGijsbers takes the award from lpsmith.
Guest2 accidentally closed the java window
Kelby exclaims, "Go Victor! Even though I haven't played your game, i'm sure it's awesome!"
Guest2 claps
VictorGijsbers bows, then walks back to his seat.

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