On March 9, 2002, at 4:00 P.M. EST (9:00 P.M. GMT), the 2001 XYZZY Awards Ceremony was held at ifMUD. Below is the transcript of the event, with comments made on the #peanut-gallery discussion. Should you not wish to see those comments, an expurgated version is also available.
eileen climbs back onstage.
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "Short speeches."
Rob says, "Yay tough crowd!"
[peanut-gallery] jwalrus says, "man, this is gonna be the shortest xyzzy ever"
[peanut-gallery] ctate takes away maga_dogg's ginshake.
[peanut-gallery] Dennis_Jerz says, "I could give the speech I would have given if Troy had won..."
[peanut-gallery] rc comforts the dejected Space Moose. Erm, forget that.
Noura says, "I'm goin home"
Noura goes home.
eileen says, "Next up, we have the award for Best Individual Puzzle."
Rob claps
BoingBall says, "hurroo"
Hjalfi claps.
[peanut-gallery] maga_dogg asks (of rc), "Hey buddy. I didn't get an xyzzy. Can I sleep with you tonight?"
</pinb4ck> pinb4ck has disconnected from ifMUD.
<pinb4ck> pinb4ck has connected to ifMUD.
[peanut-gallery] josh_g says, "the prepared speeches weren't allowed past security for fear of being bombs"
ctate can't figure out how to applaud this one.
Jota says, "Mmm, puzzles."
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "3 awards in 30 minutes"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "must be some kind of record"
[peanut-gallery] Stacey says, "Then, Best Group Puzzle."
jwalrus tries to clap but ... damn you, ctate.
Thrax says (to ctate), "think outside the hands"
[peanut-gallery] ctate says (to jwalrus), "snrk"
[peanut-gallery] Jacqueline says, "I thought this was going to be a three hour ceremony..."
[peanut-gallery] josh_g says (to Stacey), "hot puzzle-on-puzzle action"
[peanut-gallery] Aris asks (of maga_dogg), "Sympathy sleep?"
[peanut-gallery] buzzard says (to Stacey), "TSD"
[peanut-gallery] buzzard says, "timing"
[peanut-gallery] Stacey says, "hee hee"
Gunther says, "YAY"
Rob asks, ">PUT HAND ON HAND Which hand do you mean, the hand, or your hands?"
Marvin says, "woo"
[peanut-gallery] Jacqueline asks (of Stacey), "Best group puzzle = coed naked twister?"
[peanut-gallery] rc says (to maga), "That's the best line ever."
Carrad2 asks, "by best, do they mean hardest of most fun?"
Thrax says (to Rob), "talk to the hand"
[peanut-gallery] Stacey says, "It begins with naked Twister...where it ends...heaven knows."
[peanut-gallery] maga_dogg says (to rc), "I totally agree."
ctate stomps Rob's feet.
[peanut-gallery] rc says, "That's best grope puzzle."
[peanut-gallery] Dennis_Jerz says, "As long as it has nothing to do with Paul's colon..."
[peanut-gallery] Paul says, "thrax yay cliche that sounds like an IF command"
nm says, "Clapping with the hands is slow and tedious."
[peanut-gallery] Jacqueline says (to rc), "Heh."
jwalrus says, ">PUT SPRING IN HANDS"
rc says, ">GET THE CLAP"
eileen says, "Let me introduce the next presenter..."
josh_g says, "clap on, clap off"
Hjalfi plays the 'applause' tape.
[peanut-gallery] neild says (to Eileen), "You do that, now."
[peanut-gallery] Dennis_Jerz asks, "Do you turn the autoclapper on by clapping your hands and activating the clapper?"
Carrad2 says, "I'll be back..."
eileen exclaims, "Ines, from Rematch!!!"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "yes"
Rob claps.
maga_dogg screams wildly
[peanut-gallery] (from neild) The Clapper doesn't look like she wants to be activated. Not by you, anyway.
Marvin exclaims, "Woo!"
Stacey says, "hooray"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "but it turns itself off"
DavidW claps.
Paul claps, restarts, claps
ctate stomps enthusiastically!
maga_dogg says, "hubba hubba"
Iain has disconnected.
Iain goes home.
nm says, "yay"
Emily says, "yay Ines"
dhan-spain exclaims, "Rematch!! that devil4s game!!"
neild auto-applauds!
jwalrus hides under the stage before the SUV takes out the auditorium.
Ines has arrived.
ctate stomps enthusiastically!
Ander claps.
Gunther says, "dammit, inky wins"
Thrax says (to dhan), "it was indeed"
dfan says, "Hee hee"
DavidW dares Ines to throw trophy at ceiling fan.
[peanut-gallery] buzzard says, "yay inky"
[peanut-gallery] ctate says (to inky), "YES!"
Ines gets on stage
[peanut-gallery] Paul says (to inky), "yay"
eileen gets offstage
Kiz stomps entheusiastically, inadvertantly knocking a hole in the floor
Ines starts a bit at sound of car going by outside.
Bishop exclaims, "Woo!"
Ines says, "Well, I don't have a prepared, in-character list of games."
Ines says, "But I have props."
Thrax says, "claps, fails, but learns from his failure"
maga_dogg shoves Ines out of the way and saves himself.
Aris dares Ines to tell us the nominees
Ryan says, "Yay props!"
Paul exclaims, "Yay props!"
Ines throws a tennis ball. It plunges into Bishop's stomach -- a direct hit!
Gunther says, "yay unpreparedness"
[peanut-gallery] buzzard says, "we give props for props"
[peanut-gallery] rc says, "Girl, you got mad props."
[peanut-gallery] (from josh_g) Ines says, "I'd like to give mad props out to all my homeys"
Thrax says, "er, :claps etc."
Bishop says, "Oof."
NamelessAdventurer has arrived.
[peanut-gallery] josh_g says, "damn slow emit"
NamelessAdventurer gives Best Puzzles Nominees to Ines.
dhan-spain says, "by the way... where can I find the solution for Rematch? I have suffered it years ago...."
Ines says, "The list of nominees for best individual puzzle are..."
<Psmith> Psmith is.
Psmith walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
[peanut-gallery] Psmith says, "Evening all"
[peanut-gallery] Thrax asks, "list are?"
[peanut-gallery] rc says, "Hey, this list is an acrostic..."
[peanut-gallery] BoingBall says (to ps), "e'ng"
[peanut-gallery] nm says, "it spells out PANTS"
Ines says, "All Roads (the birds)"
ctate stomps his elbows wildly!
Rob claps.
[peanut-gallery] Paul says (to thrax), "don't point out her errors or she'll have to restart"
DavidW claps.
Recchi claps!
Noura walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice her approaching it from the other side.
atholbrose claps.
Paul throws bread
Ines says, "By...(I don't have the author name handy)"
markm says, "An award for the birds."
Jacqueline says, "Yay."
josh_g . o O ( yay )
Ryan bashes his palms together loudly.
[peanut-gallery] Recchi exclaims (at paul), "Ah-hahah!"
Emily says, "yay Jon Ingold"
Rob says, "Jon Ingold!"
Ellison claps
Noura goes home.
[peanut-gallery] Hjalfi asks, "Is Jon here?"
Sophie cheers.
[peanut-gallery] maga_dogg says, "no"
Kiz says, "yay birds!"
(From Thrax) Alfred Hitchcock bows.
Marvin exclaims, "Yay!"
dfan says, "It was written by Dan Schmidt thank you!"
[peanut-gallery] ctate says, "aww"
ctate laughs.
dhan-spain says, "the birds, by Hitchcock ;-)"
dfan says, "Also the next one!"
josh_g says (to dfan), "hee hee"
[peanut-gallery] Bishop says (to Hjalfi), "Don't think so."
[peanut-gallery] Hjalfi says, "Oh, well."
Bishop picks the tennis ball out fo his stomach cavity and throws it at dfan.
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "he wanted to"
[peanut-gallery] BoingBall asks, "how many awards we got left now?"
dfan says (to Bishop), "You miss."
Ines says, "Pythos' Mask, by Emily Short"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "There's a JonIngold player never logged in."
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "1 or 2"
[peanut-gallery] Rob says, "19"
maga_dogg says, "yay"
Thrax exclaims, "yay Pytho!"
Rob claps.
Gunther says, "woo"
dfan says, "Woo pythons"
Marvin exclaims, "Yay!"
DavidW exclaims, "yay!"
Recchi cheers for Emily
Dennis_Jerz says, "Yay Emily"
Photon says, "Yay glasses!""
Paul claps for Pytho, wonders where the props are.
Sophie exclaims, "yay!!!"
BoingBall says, "yay#"
[peanut-gallery] jwalrus says (to davidw), "storme created it for him, apparently"
Ines says, "We're experiencing a bit of trouble, so bear with me here."
nm says, "yay"
[peanut-gallery] buzzard says (to BoingBall), "However many awards Ingold was nominated for."
maga_dogg says, "yay spiked BOOZE"
ctate avoids the wine....
Dennis_Jerz looks around for bear.
[peanut-gallery] Hjalfi says, "Jon doesn't believe in the mud."
Ines says, "Silicon Castles (the chess game)"
[peanut-gallery] Duchess says, "jon ingold has logged in before in the past"
[peanut-gallery] Hjalfi says, "Whenever he's logged in, he uses guest."
Rob claps
Ines says, "by..."
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "a a guest"
Hjalfi says, "Me."
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "+s"
[peanut-gallery] Paul says, "hjalfi but if he claps his hands really hard..."
nm says, "yay you"
Ines says, "Hey, there you go."
Ryan says, "Yay me! I mean you!"
ctate says, "woo woo z-abuse!"
Ines says, "Textfire Golf...by Adam Cadre"
Marvin exclaims, "Yay!"
Rob claps
[peanut-gallery] Thrax exclaims (at Paul), "yay!"
maga_dogg says, "YAAAY"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says (to ines), "WORST PRESENTER EVER"
BoingBall says, "w00t"
DavidW claps.
Dennis_Jerz cheers
josh_g says, "yay I scored a birdie"
Recchi golf claps
Paul throws golf balls
[peanut-gallery] nm says, "these sports games are really populat this year"
[peanut-gallery] nm says, "er"
Ines says, "The Gostak, by Carl Muckenhoupt"
ctate says (to josh_g), "wrong nominee :)"
Rob golf claps.
[peanut-gallery] maga_dogg says, "this ceremony's presentation has undergone some serious funding crises"
[peanut-gallery] jwalrus says, "oh, right. some could end up hanging around forever"
Thrax claps, but not as well as his boss.
DavidW yay!
[peanut-gallery] jwalrus says, "ilaxc"
Paul doshes.
Rob claps again.
Ines says, "Vicious Cycles (disarming the bomb)...by Simon Mark"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "(What award is this, again?)"
Rob claps.
ctate stomps gingerly.
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "I still say all stuff at xyzzy night should automatically go to a channel"
Photon claps.
Storme walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice her approaching it from the other side.
Ines claps, restarts, claps for nominees
[peanut-gallery] neild says, "Best indiv puzzle"
Paul cla... clap... claps
[peanut-gallery] ctate says (to davidw), "best indivi puzzle"
Thrax set us up the bomb
rc claps again and again and again.
Kiz says, "yay bomb!"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "best endivie puzzle"
[peanut-gallery] Paul says, "That puzzle is the bomb"
Ines says, "Envelope, please..."
[peanut-gallery] Stacey says, "hee hee"
[peanut-gallery] ctate asks, "Best Endive Puzzle?"
Ines takes envelope.
[peanut-gallery] dfan says, "Someone set us up the puzzle"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "nooo"
[peanut-gallery] Bishop says, "Ick, endives."
Ines opens envelope
dhan-spain asks, "a bomb? where is the bomb?"
Ines says, "And the winner is..."
[peanut-gallery] josh_g says, "Open envelope for great justice!"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther asks, "is an en-dive like an en-dash?"
Ines exclaims, "The Gostak!"
Rob applauds.
Tanan applauds
Hjalfi says, "Thank god."
Ryan says, "Hooray baf!"
NamelessAdventurer has arrived.
Emily says, "wooo!"
[peanut-gallery] Paul says (to gunther), "off the short board"
Thrax exclaims, "yay yay!"
Hjalfi claps.
Psmith says, "Yay."
Ines throws a tennis ball. It plunges into baf's stomach -- a direct hit!
Photon cheers.
Marvin exclaims, "Hurrah!"
Gunther says, "woot woot"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW asks, "No one's told dhan-spain about #peanut-gallery yet, have they?"
Stacey says, "hooray"
rc cheers incomprehensibly.
Paul exclaims, "Yay gostak!!!"
Rob says, "two! two!"
ctate says, "awooga!"
NamelessAdventurer gives Best Individual Puzzle trophy to baf.
DavidW cheers.
[peanut-gallery] Dennis_Jerz says, "I can' ten-dure this much longer"
Kiz hoorays
Jacqueline says, "Yay!"
dfan says, "Awright"
nm says, "yay"
josh_g says (to baf), "yay"
[peanut-gallery] Thrax says (to DW), "it'd just confuse him more"
BoingBall says, "hooray! he must have done a speech by now"
baf regombs the stage.
Aris exclaims, "Gostak!"
Jota exclaims, "Woo, Gostak!"
[peanut-gallery] neild exclaims, "Okay, you've had ten minutes to write a speech now!"
Ander claps in an entirely unoriginal manner.
[peanut-gallery] Hjalfi says, "Honestly, who nominated _SC_ for best puzzle? It had no puzzles."
Ryan says, "Speech again!"
atholbrose applauds again!
Hjalfi exclaims, "Yay baf!"
maga_dogg says, "now do a god damn speech"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "mmm, ten-dureized meat"
Thrax exclaims, "frike fosken!"
Duchess says, "congrats baf, since i wasn't there the first time to say so"
[peanut-gallery] rc says, "I fear this speech."
Gunther says, "yay, another non-speech"
eileen claps strenuously
Thrax exclaims, "tophth us!"
josh_g says, "SPEECH"
[peanut-gallery] buzzard exclaims (at Hjalfi), "Apparently some people who thought you had invented chess!"
Gunther says, "if we keep the pace we'll be done in 10 minutes"
Hjalfi whistles loudly, drowning everyone out.
[peanut-gallery] Dennis_Jerz says, "I spear this feesh."
DavidW smibs the warb into the brangy.
[peanut-gallery] nm says, "but we like SC and can't think of anything else to nominate it for"
[peanut-gallery] Hjalfi says, "Ew."
[peanut-gallery] Rob says, "every time someone doesn't have a prepared speech, take a drink"
NamelessAdventurer exclaims, "And let's have a big round of applause for Ines, for working without a script!"
baf asks, "OK, I've been reading my source code since the last embarassment and I think I can do a passable speech in Gostak dialect now. Do you want to hear it?"
[peanut-gallery] Hjalfi says, "I think there out to be a _Best Abuse of Medium_."
josh_g says, "YES"
baf says, "(Please answer Bal or Da.)"
[peanut-gallery] BoingBall says, "and this candiru spears you"
Bishop exclaims (at baf), "Yes!"
Gunther says, "Da"
DavidW exclaims, "Da!"
[peanut-gallery] maga_dogg says, "for not working without a script"
Dennis_Jerz says, "YES"
Paul exclaims, "BAL! no wait, DA!"
[peanut-gallery] buzzard says, "Boo beta-testers who don't transcript"
Bishop exclaims (at baf), "Um, Bal! Or maybe da!"
Photon claps for Ines.
devil says, "Boo, no spoilers!"
josh_g says, "Bal or Da."
Ryan says, "Da!"
atholbrose says, "Bal."
Emily says, "whichever one means we hear the speech"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "Balorda is my favourite caribbean island"
(From markm) Gostak says, "Nyet!"
baf says, "OK, then I won't. But in the interests of stretching things out, I'll give some thanks."
rc says, "Someone set us up the gostak."
Jota exclaims, "Bal!"
BoingBall exclaims, "puaj!"
Paul asks, "no, BAL! Wait, which is the yes one?"
Kiz breaks out a vat of babel fish
Stacey says (to Paul), "Bal"
</Carrad2> Carrad2 has disconnected from ifMUD.
<Carrad2> Carrad2 has connected to ifMUD.
[peanut-gallery] Dennis_Jerz says, "All you dialect are belong to us."
Ryan says, "Oh. Bal!"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW asks, "Which is 'yes' again?"
Paul exclaims, "BAL! BAL!"
Photon exclaims, "Bal! Da Bal Da ! Balla Balla!"
Hjalfi exclaims, "Bal! Bal! Bals all round!"
maga_dogg says (to baf), "SPEECH for the love of god"
Gunther says, "Baal!"
markm chuckles.
Gunther says, "no wait"
Marvin exclaims, "Er, bal, probably!"
Duchess says (to baf), "gostak speech, NOW"
neild exclaims, "I won't understand any of it, but SPEECH!"
nm says, "Bal your base are belong to us"
baf says, "Thanks to Jed Hartman for making me aware of the gostak and the fact that it distims the doshes."
mcp exclaims, "rask that raskable glaud!"
(From DavidW) Ines throws a bal at baf.
[peanut-gallery] rc says, "I voted for Ba'al? Oh no."
[peanut-gallery] mcp says, "timing"
[peanut-gallery] Jota exclaims, "Yes always comes before No in Inform's 'Bal or Da?' question!"
Bishop exclaims (at baf), "Doatch already!"
[peanut-gallery] josh_g says, "heeeey balla balla balla, swing balla balla MISS balla balla"
baf says, "Thanks to Erik Ray for capturing on tape, many years ago, evidence that I did in fact have this idea before Lighan was released."
Thrax exclaims, "Give us some brolges!"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther thwaps josh_g
Photon says, "Hear, hear."
ctate laughs.
[peanut-gallery] josh_g says, "speech CHICAGO STYLE"
(From Gunther) Zarf says, "Sure."
baf says, "And, of course, thanks to Graham Nelson and everyone mad enough to betatest the game."
[peanut-gallery] BoingBall says, "oh, he doesn't have a speech. give him a break."
(From Hjalfi) Baf quietly applies chloroform to Zarf.
[peanut-gallery] maga_dogg says, "he should have included that tape in his game package... he'd have scored higher at the comp"
[peanut-gallery] Jota asks (of BoB), "If we can't pester folks, what's the point?"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther asks (of josh_g), "going up on stage and dropping his pants?"
Thrax exclaims, "What a heamy dedge!"
neild exclaims, "Yayyyyy!"
(From DavidW) Gostak Barbie says, "IF is tavid!"
neild says, "I like a speech."
[peanut-gallery] josh_g says (to Gunther), "yup"
Ryan says, "Hooray for speeches!"
eileen climbs back onstage
Bishop applauds wildly.
atholbrose exclaims, "Hooray!"
NamelessAdventurer says, "So, thanks again, Ines, for presenting under difficult conditions. Apparently the nominees list got accidentally shredded somehow. We have Dick Cheney looking into that."
Jacqueline says, "Woo-hoo!"
Paul guesses the speech is over, claps.
Ines bows.
DavidW claps
Ines climbs offstage.
Photon laughs.
baf says, "My speech-tanks are empty again, but maybe I'll have another fragment ready if I win another award."
Marvin exclaims, "Yay!"
Hjalfi claps.
Recchi claps
Dennis_Jerz throttles the French judge.
josh_g cheers madly, limbs flailing about.