Posted 16 November 2001 to
This was my first year of actively rating games for the comp, and I didn't get as many done as I'd like. My free time disappeared for half of the judging period. I thought I'd go ahead and post a few brief comments on the ones I got to, before I read the other reviews and get my opinions swayed. :)
When playing, I sorted games into simple Excellent/Average/Below Average categories, and assigned points later. I'll just give the categories here.
Games are in the order I played them.
Best of Three [Excellent]
Off to a good start :) I enjoyed this piece quite a bit. The characters
were interesting, the backstory and situation were intriguing, and the
writing style was solid. I haven't played the previous "conversation" game
mentioned in the initial instructions, so I found this approach to be fresh
and fun. The approach worked incredibly well in conjunction with the
standard parser and the "T" command that put the topics of discussion somewhat
in the player's control.
Mild complaint: The conversation got a bit stale toward the end. I would've liked to have a few more options available once the topics got around to 3Nigma, since this backstory was the most interesting element of the game for me.
All Roads [Average]
This game had an interesting concept, but was ultimately flawed.
Personally, I found the backward-story conceit a bit too.gimmicky? I was
drawn in at first, but once I figured out what was happening, the game lost
a lot of its appeal. It went from seeming intriguing to seeming
deliberately convoluted and confusing. I finished the game by taking the
obvious "next step" at each turning point, but I didn't have any clear idea
of what exactly was accomplished.
The Coast House [Below Average]
There's little of note to this game. It is a simple "Pick up everything
that isn't nailed down, then use each item exactly once to solve exactly one
puzzle." game. The game-world felt very stagnant and oddly claustrophobic.
I don't know whether this was intended (in which case, bravo :) ) or not,
but it didn't pull me in, either way.
Vicious Cycles [Excellent]
Neat game. Unlike All Roads the gimmick in this game didn't feel
gimmicky. It provided a means to the end and fit seamlessly into the
futuristic world presented. I was given enough information to figure out
what was going on early enough that I didn't get frustrated, and the
solution to the bomb when I achieved it the first time through really felt
like an accomplishment because the world was painted with enough color to
feel real and suspend my disbelief.
Heroes [Excellent]
A hearty bravo for the concept. It was a fun exploration of multiple
viewpoints. The puzzles themselves are pretty much standard fare, but the
necessity to tackle them different ways really worked. Kudos for creating a
world that felt like it had real people in it. It would be exceedingly cool
to do a larger game like this, except have the characters working within the
same timeline.a party atmosphere where the player can grab control of
whichever character suits the situation at hand. There was a sense of
disappointment each time I switched to a new character and the world had
reset itself.
Volcano Isle [Average]
This is a boring old-school IF with no real motivation for the player to
succeed beyond the need to play enough to give an honest score. The
explore-and-collect-stuff motif just doesn't work when you don't have the
wonder of exploring the Underground Empire to help things along. And the
problem is even more hampered by the (yippee) uninhabited island setting. I
ranked it as average because there wasn't anything terribly wrong and it had
more meat to it than some, but overall, I was bored.
Kallisti [Below Average]
Ummmm.I don't get it. Well, ok, the first part I get. I don't *like* it
much, but I get it. It felt like just a hunt-and-peck to find words that
the game/npc understood. I'm still not quite sure what I did to get to the
next "base". Not enough feedback for the player, imo. But for the game
overall, the author seemed to be aiming for something deeper than just a
simple psycho-stalker seduction sequence, and whatever deeper meaning there
was went right over my head.
Journey from an Islet [Excellent]
Another "desert island" game that is helped big-time by the writing style
(and illustrations :) ) used by the author. Unlike similar games where the
settings feel like a barrage of randomly generated place names with vague,
sparsely described surroundings, this deserted island felt truly alive. Not
just because of the charming NPC's (I want a sweet little sheep in all my IF
from now on!), but the descriptions and attention to detail. The collapse
of the hut door that does nothing (that I noticed) except introduce a sense
of movement and sound (and surprise) to the scene, the "oops" moment when
the gold band I just picked up turns out to be a snake, etc. Overall, the
game loses points for simply being a bit too small, with nothing terribly
noteworthy as far as gameplay goes, but it's definitely a charming gem that
will stay with me for a while.
Mystery Manor [Below Average]
This game might've ranked a closer to average except for a few technical
irritations that significantly affected my enjoyment and ability to play the
game. I'm not sure how much of these items are due to quirks in the Adrift
engine, but ultimately, the game suffered for them. The biggest problem I
had was the game of "Guess the Noun" I found myself playing. Example:
>x box
Nothing Special.
>x soap
Nothing Special
>x laundry soap
The box is blue and red.
I suppose the auto-complete feature should have clued me in that the first two options weren't valid, but I found in other spots that that feature wasn't always reliable. (And, just for the record, I absolutely hate the "Nothing Special" response. If the game doesn't understand a word, it should tell me it doesn't understand. Otherwise I'm left to give up on a particular tack because, after all, there's "nothing special" where I'm looking.)
Another bug that stopped me for a good long while:
Nothing Special.
>examine stain
Blah Blah Blah.something interesting happens.blah blah blah
Decidedly unfair when the "x" verb works in most other instances. (And, it's worth saying again, the "Nothing Special" response sucks!)
Prized Possesion [Average]
I liked the premise of this game a lot. The "talk" format was cool, and the
multiple potential endings that weren't just "You have died." made for a
nice sense of realism. My main gripe is that I felt a little too
railroaded. I'd love to see this story implemented into a larger game that
left room for more depth and multiple paths to a happy ending. As it was, I
came out feeling like I was playing a CYOA-style game.each choice was either
successful, or led to instant "death" (or a fate worse than death, anyway,
for Alys. :))
The Beetmonger's Journal [Average]
A nicely realized setting and story, with some nice puzzles and fairly
immersive environment. The score on this one is coming from simple gut
instinct. I can't cite any particular flaws, but it didn't pack any sort of
wollop that made me want to place it higher.
Surreal [Below Average]
Overly simple with just random wandering through a series of rooms and a
couple very obvious puzzles. I'm not psychoanalyzing my reaction to this
one. The game may have achieved it's goal of being surreal (in a "I have no
idea what the point of all this is." kind of way), but that's not
necessarily a good thing.
Goofy [Below Average]
I did not get past the plastic maze puzzle. I wasn't getting enough
feedback on my attempts to solve it, and was getting "just another random
series of puzzles" vibe from the game, so gave up after an hour. WAS
there any way to anticipate the mouse's moves?
Film at Eleven [Average]
This was an enjoyable game with traditional game play and some shining
moments. I liked the emphasis on people-stuff, and that the game allowed
the user to try things that usually would get poo-poo'd before attempting.
(Specifically, trying to seduce Jack or the Mayor as a means to the story. )
You Were Doomed from the Start [Below-Below Average]
I'm really curious what the author was looking to accomplish by entering
this in the comp. There's no game here, and even if you figure that the
mindset was something like: "Look at how cool I am for making my own IF from
scratch." it still fails to achieve its goal.
This article copyright © 2001, Jen Skripac