Issue 7 of Terra d'IF, the Italian IF e-zine, is out. Its contents cover Reform, the z-code decompiler; a design review of Gumshoe, and an interview with Aaron Reed, author of Gourmet.
Results of the French Mini-IF Competition are out, with Adrien Saraut's Le Cercle des Gros Geeks disparus taking first place. The full results are:
Fans of Sierra's King's Quest series of adventure games have been working on a fan sequel, King's Quest IX: Every Cloak Has a Silver Lining. Now Vivendi, owner of what's left of Sierra, has sent a cease and desist letter to the project organizers. This being the internet, fans have started an email campaign to Vivendi to save the project.
Alternative Games, the game studio that created Full Moon in San Francisco, is working on a new series of adventure games, The Adventures of Jack Phoenix. The first game will feature some of the main characters from Full Moon.