Adventure Game News for 29 Sep 04
SPAG #38 is Out
The latest issue of SPAG, an interactive fiction e-zine, is now available. This issue includes reviews of City of Secrets and Max Blaster and Doris de Lightning Against the Parrot Creatures of Venus.
AGON Episode 3
After a long wait, the third episode of the (well) episodic adventure game
AGON, titled
Pirates of Madagascar, is out. You can read reviews of the first episode
here (written by yours truly) or
here (written by Dan Shiovitz).
I Misteri di Maggia
The Swiss commune Maggia has released a freeware adventure game in Italian,
I Misteri di Maggia. The download size is 394 MB, so if you don't speak Italian, you might want to wait for the (rumored) English translation.
(Source: Adventure-Treff)