IntroComp 2007, the competition for short introductions to interactive fiction, has begun! There are seven intros in this year's XYZZYnews-sponsored competition.
XYZZYnews has details on downloading the games and voting on your favorite entries. You have until Friday, August 24th to get your votes in. Winners will be announced live on ifMUD at 4:00pm EST (9:00pm GMT) on Sunday, August 26.
The Inform 7 extensions page has been overhauled. The new page shows the last date an extension was updated and now has new categories, a table of contents, and an RSS feed.
Deadlines for the One Room Game Competition, the interactive fiction competition with the most descriptive title ever, have been set. If you're going to enter, have your game ready by 11:00 P.M. GMT on November 17th.