Thanks to the efforts of Dan Sanderson, The Inform Designer's Manual and the Inform Beginner's Guide are once more in print. Currently both are paperback editions, though a hardback version of the DM4 is in the works. The DM4 can be ordered through Amazon for $29.95, with a version to appear at the UK branch of Amazon shortly. In addition, since it has an ISBN number (0-9713119-0-0), you can order it through other bookstores. The IBG is available from Lulu, a print-on-demand publisher, for $10.22.
Windows Frotz 2002 has been updated to version 1.08. The update comes on the heels of the Blorb 2.0 spec and the release of three Inform 7 games. The new version recognizes the I7-specific blorb extensions .zlb and .zblorb, uses the I7 metadata for game titles, and has an increased stack to deal with I7's greater use of recursion.
David Kinder didn't just update Windows Frotz 2002. He also updated Windows Glk and Windows Glulxe to add support for Ogg Vorbis files and for .blorb, .glb, and .gblorb extensions. If none of that makes any sense to you, feel free to nod your head politely and move on to other news items.
Nucleosys's horror adventure game Scratches is now shipping in the US. The game has you trapped by a washed-out road in the Victorian mansion of Blackwood Manor. The game retails for $19.95. More information is available from the publilsher's site.