Eileen Mullin has announced that she's now accepting nominations for the 2007 XYZZY Awards. You have until Sunday, February 23 to nominate your favorite IF games in the community's version of the Oscars.
Over ten years after he took fourth place in the 1997 IF competition with She's Got a Thing for a Spring, Brent VanFossen has released an updated version that fixes a number of bugs. As Brent said about the game in his announcement, "This is a work of love, and the landscape and events contained within it are as real to me as those from my past. Some of the places and events really did happen, one way or another, and some are pure fiction, but to me, they are all real."
Quest 4.03, the latest version of Alex Warren's IF language, does the usual bug-fix bit but also adds a menu and keyboard shortcuts tot he script editor.