Eileen Mullin has announced the first round voting for the annual XYZZY Awards, given to the best interactive fiction of the previous year. Nominate your favorite works of IF for best game, best writing, best use of medium, and more. You must submit your votes by Sunday, February 12, 2006.
JIF, a Java-based IDE for writing Inform games, has reached version 3.0. New features include an updated layout and customizable tab spacing. As the screenshot shows, JIF will build a tree of every object in your game, making it easier to find them in your code.
Lotech Comp 2006 is now accepting choose-your-own-adventure style games from now until June 30th, 2006. Lotech Comp provides a forum for more low-tech games reminiscent of the Choose Your Own Adventure books.
Whom the Telling Changed was Aaron Reed's entry in the 2005 Spring Thing competition, where it took first place. Aaron then entered the game in the 2006 Slamdance Guerilla Gamemaker Competition. The game was one of 12 finalists, and as a finalist, was displayed at the Slamdance festival, where anyone could play the game. Aaron recorded 72 transcripts from people trying the game and performed an analysis on them. He also has made the raw transcripts available.